★Zev★ ~ Ashbeast by TheRPGSlayer
The items you'll receive upon purchase
Texture for Ashbeast by TheRPGslayer: Unity Package with the Pre-Setup material for ease of use(drag and drop), and textures for the body, fluff, eyes, clothing if you want to do it manually!
TheRPGslayer ~ Ashbeast
Creator Companion (with VRCFury to make things easier)
Unity Version 2022.3.22f1
- Thank you for taking an interest in my retexture, I do offer uploads for those who do not have a pc or no unity knowledge for an additional 3-5 dollars! I would just need proof of purchase of the model and the texture
- If there is an error with the texture then please contact me through discord if needed, I will try to fix it and do some touch ups^^ I would just need proof of purchase of the model and the texture
- For any other questions contact me or join my discord server!
- Discord: kqrmaisabitch
- Discord Server: https://discord.gg/B6YsG2VHZE
- Gmail: redkismettextures@gmail.com
You're allowed to ask for commissions for edits of my textures but credit is still due, please link our gumroad.
★Do NOT redistribute, resell, price split, or claim these products as yours.
★ This is NOT to be published as public use
★Do NOT steal the design
★ If your given the okay to commission someone else for some edits of my texture they MUST own the product too.
★If this is used and posted on social media or anywhere of that sort, please credit me and link my gumroad<3 feel free to tag me too! I love seeing the textures just being used
★ I do NOT offer refunds for my texture, once its bought you will have the files already so I wouldn't know if you wiped it from your device completely.
If you don't own this model you can find it here, TheRPGslayer
Get this cheaper at Jinxxy or Payhip!